Chasing Time English

Chasing Time English behind the scenes of a drama shooting


Based in New Zealand, Chasing Time English offers a unique English language education experience for teachers and learners with original TV drama series designed to engage and motivate learners beyond what is ordinarily achieved through conventional methods.

English language classes should excite. They should grip the imagination and inspire students to speak and to write. They should be eager to hear more. And the things they learn should be real and be crucial.

Chasing Time English believes video is the medium to achieve this. The drama and action of the short narrative videos, created in-house by their award-winning co-founders, make for compelling viewing, enlivened with intrigue, humour, surprise and tension. The goal is for the video to stand on its own as entertainment: captivate learners, and the learning will follow.

This vision is backed up with solid, cutting-edge pedagogy. The international team of materials developers consists of PhD-qualified applied linguists and experienced industry professionals dedicated to designing teaching and learning resources based on contemporary, research-backed approaches.

Collections 2 Collections

Each collection is a hand-picked selection of online courses, to help you discover a new passion, understand a subject in depth or become an expert in your field.